Worksheet 7 Three Kings' Day in Spain

Read the text about 6th January in Spain. 
Three Kings' Day, or Dia De Los Reyes in Spanish, which falls on January 6 every year, is the day that the children of Spain and Hispanic countries get presents for Christmastime. 

Image resultThe days leading up to January 5, children are supposed to write a letter to the three kings asking them for the gifts that they want. The day before Three Kings Day is a day for parades and processions throughout Spanish cities, like Madrid, Barcelona (where the kings arrive by boat), or Alcoy, which has Spain's longest-running parade since 1885. The parades represent the journey made by the travellers on camels to Bethlehem. The three kings throw sweets into the crowd. People  often take umbrellas to the parade and turn them upside down to collect the thrown sweets. On the eve of January 5, children leave their shoes by the door with hopes that the three kings will leave them gifts in their shoes when they wake the following morning.
Traditional Roscón in Spain
The day is also celebrated by eating the roscon de los reyes, or ring-cake of the kings, that is decorated to look like a crown that a king would wear. It is often topped with glazed fruits, representing the jewels on a crown. Buried inside it is a toy, often a figurine of baby Jesus. The person who finds it is said to have good luck for the year.

Activities for discussion in Skype session
1. Plan at least 10 questions to ask me about the text.
2. Make new sentences with the highlighted words and phrases on a different topic. Use a variety of tenses please.
My examples
Yesterday I went shopping to buy some gifts for my friends' birthdays.

Umbrellas are useless when it is very windy.


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